
Welcome to Writing with a Camera


This site is being thrown together by David Tamés to provide media arts students with articles, notes, presentations, handouts, assignments, and reference materials from my teaching and creative research.

Click on the icon in the upper left corner to reveal the table of contents if not already visible. On each page, clicking the icon in the upper right corner reveals the document index if not already visible.

This site is under construction. I am converting my library of teaching resources (mostly PDF files) to responsive web pages on this site. I plan to complete essential content for the start of the Fall 2024 semester and continue to move items through the Fall 2024 semester. The transition from PDFs to responsive web pages is expected to be complete for the Spring 2025 semester.


See Why the name “Writing with a camera”? for the inspiration behind the name of this website.


Don't hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, or corrections. My contact information may be found on my Northeastern faculty page. You may also reach me through LinkedIn or the contact form or my blog+portfolio website at davidtanes.com.

The small print

See Copyright and Disclaimers for all the small print.